Epta reinterprets the fresh and extremely fresh section with the OutFit/Mozaïk range of Costan/Bonnet Névé. The Group, thanks to the new 100% Eco aesthetics, symbol of its sustainable vocation, promotes the circular economy inside stores.
In Italian shopping carts, fresh and extremely fresh products are top of the list
In Italian shopping carts, fresh and extremely fresh products are top of the list. Observing market trends and consumer habits more closely, what emerges is a higher request for quality products to insert into the diet, with a particular inclination for 4th range (fresh-cut) products, characterised by minimum changes in organoleptic properties.
This sector plays a decisive role in building customer loyalty, generating value in terms of profitability and positioning of the Brand name. The goal of every Retailer is to attract the attention of buyers to the assortment, stimulating their interaction.
Epta’s response
Epta’s response to satisfy the needs of each store is the OutFit/Mozaïk family, conceived to create an attractive atmosphere and ensure food freshness. A range of horizontal and semi-vertical refrigerated cabinets, self-service and serve-over, to the back cabinets, all to personalise according to the store identity. A perfect balance between movement and versatility, to mix an original style with great design freedom, in favour of an exclusive shopping experience.
Shapes and colours combine with different materials and textures, in an offer which further expands thanks to a recycled and recyclable aesthetic, to meet the current environmental challenges. A new look which takes shape from the transformation of less noble materials such as plastic, into valuable solutions, along a production process free of chemical reagents.
A journey towards sustainability, accompanied by a progressive closure of the cabinets, to guarantee greater energy saving and better display.